I don't understand how Intel is so screwed up that they'd let a rival that is so much smaller beat them so badly. I'd like to see them turn the corner though. Competition is always good for consumers, and being on top only lasts so long. Ask Nvidia. Or ATI. Or 3DFX for that matter.
On the other hand, Intel clearly has the upper hand on mobile processors, which is good for me. Because Apple is using Intel chips in the future, it's likely that I'll end up with an Intel in my computer for the first time in a long time. Of course, that's fine with me, because my Apple's will probably be laptops for some time into the future. I think using Intel is the right decision for Apple, because even though AMD is better, people (because of Intel marketing) don't know any better and prefer Intel. Going Intel will sell Apple more computers, raise their profits, and stock share prices. I do think getting into an exclusive long-term contract with Intel (a la Dell) is a bad idea though. You never know when things will change.