This place makes me think about what could be, yet sadly isn't. At least here in the States. Although if you can afford it, Dynamism will ship these products to you from their natural habitat in Asia.
Maybe it has something to do with Wal-Mart. Seriously. America is fascinated by low cost. I'm one of those people. It's a good thing to be a value shopper. That being said, simply because something costs more doesn't mean it's not worth it. And maybe even more so, simply because something is cheap, doesn't mean it's a good deal. The trick is getting something that's truly worth more money, but paying the lowest price possible for it. THAT is value.
Maybe someday I can afford to import these types of things for myself. But even better, maybe someday I won't have to.
Edit: That laptop weighs 2.2 pounds, by the way.
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