FedEx lost a MacBook Pro I shipped in early June, and they don't want to make good on it. It has apparently fallen off the face of the Earth.
I'm EXTREMELY lucky I got a receipt, because FedEx employees have told me in the past that they don't provide them. I'm not falling for that one again. Had I done so, I would have been up the proverbial creek without a paddle. It's been almost a month, and it's been like one long, recurring bad dream.
First, the rep was extremely rude to me. He told me I needed the serial number. I explained the serial number was on the box they lost, and I had no record of it. We argued for 5 minutes, until he finally gave in.
He then claimed they would send a claim form. I never received it. I finally had to download one and fill it out myself, which I would have gladly done in the first place had I been told it was an option. I faxed it to them and waited. I called a few days later, and they claimed they never received the fax, even though I had a return confirmation. I repeated the fax, repeated the phone call. Same story. Finally, two weeks after the inital claim was sent, they acknowleged the fax.
I was then told it would take 5-7 days for approval. They said someone would call me back. No one did. This became a recurring problem, which I'm still dealing with.
Finally, I called today, expecting it to be completed. The guy tells me he needs a receipt. I tell him again that it's not my laptop, I don't have a receipt, and I probably can't get one. He says he'll check with his supervisor and call me back in an hour. Uh huh. I called back a few hours later, and a new guy tells me I need a manufacturer's invoice, which I'm clueless about. He tells me it shows the manufacturer's cost, not my purchase price. I about lost it at that point.
Now I'm waiting on a call from either "Hope" or "Marsha". Hopefully they'll be able to get something done, but I'm not holding my breath.
I'm worried I may have to sue them to get my money out of them. It's been a huge nightmare, which could have been even worse, if I didn't have the receipt. Although suing them might be kind of fun if I had enough time on my hands, I'm dealing with the bar exam, and need the money now.
Ever since I took Secured Transactions, I've wanted to go into a business I hate with the Sheriff to collect a judgment. It would almost be worth the hassle of suing just to be able to do so. Best Buy would be epic, but I'll settle for FedEx if it comes down to it.
I hope it doesn't.
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