It's over. I had my last final yesterday afternoon, and the reality still hasn't sunk in. I've been in some form of the education system for the last 21 years, and now I'm done. I'll never take a final again. I will have to take a test this summer, but it's not technically school. I walk down the hill on Sunday, and that's it.
It's a huge burden off my shoulders, but I'm picking up a new one at the same time. I suppose it happens to everyone at some point, but I'm actually out in the real world now. I've been pretty much independent since I was about 21 or so, and have had at least one legitimate "real job", but now I'm doing something permanent. Barring something unforeseen, I'm planning on being a lawyer for the rest of my life.
Hopefully the bar exam doesn't change my mind for me.
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