It's really fast. Faster than any laptop (or any computer) I've had before. However, I should do the fiscally responsible thing now that we're buying a house. Therefore, I'm selling it. I'll probably end up getting one of the new MacBooks to replace it sometime this summer. Losing the extra screen resolution will suck, although not as bad as losing the video card the MBP has. Not to mention the aluminum case, and the cool factor of having one.
We'll see what happens though. I may end up getting another one down the road one of these days.
On another positive note, I have a new eBay item. I recently ordered a Nikon 18-200VR lens for my D70. (Note that the link goes to a MAJOR camera retailer that's out of stock.) It wasn't cheap, but it was about $250 less than the going price. I thought about getting a bunch of them but chickened out. Not this time. I went "all in" as my poker playing buddy would say. Hopefully the supply/demand issues haven't been resolved by the time I get my shipment.
It's really reassuring to know that I'm not limited to Dell for my eBay operation. Dell was getting less appealing by the day. Lower margins, coupled with sales tax in Kansas led me to think the eBay party was over. I guess it just goes to show that there are always opportunities, if you keep your eyes open.
These new macbooks look pretty nice, but that lack of a real video card is a killer.
Also, I'm not sure if I mentioned it yet, but gracias for the advice and notes. I suppose we'll see how it all goes in 3 years.
Yeah, the video card doesn't bother me. My last 7 notebooks had dedicated video cards, and I can't think of a time I used them. But I CAN think of times I've used the longer battery life, and smaller size.
At any rate, I'm not planning on keeping it for very long. Probably until something smaller comes out. I've found if you buy laptops often enough you always have a top end notebook. Plus, if you get a good deal on them, it actually costs less than buying one every 3-4 years and eating the depreciation.
I've had close to ten laptops in the last 5 years, and when I buy my new Macbook, I'll have effectively spent somewhere around $0.00 throughout the process. Most people buy a laptop and don't do it the smart way, use it for 3-4 years, and it's worthless. Then they lather, rinse, and repeat. Many people would be $3k in the hole by now, and have a crappy, old laptop to show for it. If I bailed out of the laptop business now, I'd be thousands ahead of when I started. Not many people do that with electronics, but they could if they knew how.
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