Tuesday, January 09, 2007

The Eagle Has Landed.

Here's the official Apple link. See the Keynote HERE. Trust me, it's worth it. See real life pics HERE and HERE. I can't post everything that I want to about this device, because I need to get to bed. I'll add more in the next day or two. I'll give you some highlights.

1. I loved my Treo this morning. Now it looks nasty.

2. It solves problems I didn't know I had.

3. It far exceeded all of my expectations, and is better than I thought possible.

4. I decided to switch to Cingular, even though I'm on contract with Sprint. Instant decision.

5. I truly think it has the potential to be one of the most significant developments in consumer electronics in a decade.

6. It appears that it will let me do things that I didn't dream I'd be able to do until years from now, and do them easily.

7. It is good to know that there are still more good ideas out there, waiting for someone to carry them through.

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