Sunday, June 25, 2006

The newest member of the family

The one on the right is the Dell 2005FPW, which I've had for some time. I've sold over 100 of them on eBay, as well. It was my bread and butter product for most of 2005. The one on the left is the 2405FPW. (These aren't my actual monitors, BTW, just a pic I grabbed from Google Image Search.)

My 20" is being replaced by the 24" later this week. It's a convoluted deal, but I'm trading a Dell laptop for the 24". I picked the laptop up for a little under $500, and it would have been about $70 cheaper had Dell not started taxing purchases in KS. Once I sell my 20", I should be in for about $200. Not bad considering it ran $1200 a year ago. I'm already looking down the road for the 30", but the 2405's 2.3 million pixels (1920x1200) will keep me from getting desensitized to the goodness too quickly.

Here are some reviews from PC World and C|Net, in case you're interested.

1 comment:

TheMemoWriter said...

Maybe I'll take your 24" when you upgrade to the 30"